It’s a trap! The simple trap I fall in every day: pretending to prepare for action instead of taking action.
Time to draw? Let me check out this video on the anatomy of ears and the new paintings by this amazing artist and this tutorial on correctly holding a pencil and…
I pull this all the time – and I am sure a lot of you recognize the situation…
Studying? Let’s check out this blog post on speed reading, so I can study with more efficiency!
Blogging? Oh, better research the ideal length of a post instead of actually writing one!
Working? Time to write a detailed planning on how to use the time I could spend working instead of planning!
It’s quite dangerous because you feel busy, but you are not doing anything. For an artist, the most common traps are:
- Looking for inspiration
- Looking for reference
I had to stop myself. It took me a while to distinguish between work and fake work, but I found a trick. If I’m not creating right now, I ask myself:
Am I doing this because it…
“Might be useful” or because it “Answers a problem”?
For example, watching interesting tutorials might be useful.Drawing along with a tutorial on how to draw legs because I’m stuck in my current drawing, that’s an answer to my problem.
Reading Lord of the Rings because it might give me inspiration for a painting? Nah, not so useful. Googling “Devil May Cry castle art” because I want to know how to make a castle look like an evil bastion? That’s more like it!

Now what can you do when you need inspiration?
Try this little tool :
What if you need a reference?
Google your keyword and don’t allow yourself to scroll down the first page.
Now, of course you can have fun. My problem is that I started lying to myself – I pretended to work when I was goofing off. Afterwards, I felt bad… Now when I goof off, it’s well-earned!
Let’s become more productive! Now tell me, was this post an answer to your problem? 😉
– Iris